Thursday, June 25, 2009

environmental pillows?

a part of this house project's line of thinking has been to experiment with environmental ways of living and alternatives to chemical baddies... so I was pleasantly surprised to find that the second cheapest pillows here at the Wal-Mart (the only place I could think to get pillows closeby) were "EcoTEX Earth Friendly Bed Pillows".  Cool, eh?  They're made with recycled water bottles, bleached without chlorine, are 100% cotton, and come in biodegradable plastic.  I thought it was rad and always like a good excuse to take a funny picture.

next door?

By the way... Here's the new floor!
And here's the latest project!

We removed wallpaper last week!!!  The entryway/stairway/upstairs hall has been stripped of the striped wallpaper of yesteryear and ready for a fresh new paint job!

How about the name Next Door?  It's one of the choices on the table and I think it's a front-runner so far...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Slowly sanding away our sanity.

Our most recent project has been tackling the hardwood floor we uncovered under the carpet of the living and dining rooms.  We (mostly Zack) spent all day sanding the old, belligerent varnish and aging off.  We used a large industrial sander and still had to get on our hands and knees and hand sand most of it.  But the good news is we are left with an absolutely gorgeous artful wood floor that will hopefully be varnished this week.  It is well worth the sore arms and knees!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Emptying... er, I mean Filling... 344!

Several names have been cropping up for this house.  "Solomon's Porch", "The Millersburg House", "The Church House", "Three-Four-Four".  So I think there's hope for honing it in...
Anyway, we moved in today!!!
Just in the nick of time all the carpets were shampooed thanks to Grandma's shampooer, and in came our stuff!  Moving makes one realize just how much stuff one really has.  Some of it we haven't seen for three years because it's been in storage as we "roamed about".  Unfortunately, Zack's plan for which room was to be our space was foiled when our box-spring did not fit up the stairs.  So our mattress sits in the living room for now, waiting for the shampoo to dry in Room Plan B.  We are looking forward to making this home for now, and also looking forward to guests on Saturday!  Whee! (maybe they can help sand the floor?) ahem.
Tomorrow mom-in-law and i are hitting the garage sales to fill a long list of needs!
More later!
No, Probs!
Heck, Defs!